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Here Are Some Sample Questions:-
Question: 1
What API policy would LEAST likely be applied to a Process API?
A. Custom circuit breaker
B. Client ID enforcement
C. Rate limiting
D. JSON threat protection
Answer: A
Question: 2
What is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the success of a typical C4E that is immediately apparent in responses from the Anypoint Platform APIs?
A. The number of production outage incidents reported in the last 24 hours
B. The number of API implementations that have a publicly accessible HTTP endpoint and are being managed by Anypoint Platform
C. The fraction of API implementations deployed manually relative to those deployed using a CI/CD tool
D. The number of API specifications in RAML or OAS format published to Anypoint Exchange
Answer: B
Question: 3
An organization is implementing a Quote of the Day API that caches today's quote. What scenario can use the GoudHub Object Store via the Object Store connector to persist the cache's state?
A. When there are three CloudHub deployments of the API implementation to three separate CloudHub regions that must share the cache state
B. When there are two CloudHub deployments of the API implementation by two Anypoint Platform business groups to the same CloudHub region that must share the cache state
C. When there is one deployment of the API implementation to CloudHub and anottV deployment to a customer-hosted Mule runtime that must share the cache state
D. When there is one CloudHub deployment of the API implementation to three CloudHub workers that must share the cache state
Answer: C
Question: 4
What do the API invocation metrics provided by Anypoint Platform provide?
A. ROI metrics from APIs that can be directly shared with business users
B. Measurements of the effectiveness of the application network based on the level of reuse
C. Data on past API invocations to help identify anomalies and usage patterns across various APIs
D. Proactive identification of likely future policy violations that exceed a given threat threshold
Answer: B
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